Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Crunch time

Surprise surprise, I'm back in the library. I'm sitting on the third floor, and something stinks. Literally, something stinks. I've been smelling it for the past hour or so. It's this horrible stench that I can't identify. It somehow makes its way over here. I don't know where the hell it's coming from, but it's pretty nasty. It's like that episode of Seinfeld with the smelly car. i just hope this thing doesn't attach itself to me.

Law school really sucks. Seriously. I used to take with a grain of salt all the complaints I heard about the first year of law school. But no, those people complaining were right on par. This environment really does suck. There is too much work, the competition is fierce, and the professors are evil. Brillian, but evil.

So last week I was getting my hair cut. So for the third time in my haircutting experiences, I was hit on by a gay barber. He was some Vietnamese guy who keps on goign on and on about whatever. Then he made some of the 'you're so good looking' comments and whatever. I remember the first time that happened, when the barber was talking about beauty school. The next time it happened was right before graduation at NYU, when the guy washing my hair commented on my eyebrows, and whether I pluck them (which I do not). I wonder if this is a conspiracy, for all the barbers and stylists to secretly get together and find ways to make me uncomfortable.

Other than that, I'm studying for finals. I'm going back through my stuff, putting together rough outlines based on past outlines. It's a pain. But luckily I have the apartment acquisition process full underway. I can't wait to get my new place. It's gonna be great not having to deal with a roomate ever again. Plus I'll have a balcony. And even better, I found out a friend of mine is planning on renting the apartment directly next to mine. So next year's living situation should be great.

More complaining to come.


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