Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Sunday Bloody Sunday

I've been especially lazy this weekend. I should have been doing work, but I just couldn't bring myself around to it. So this morning, I got up, told myself I'd get to the library (where I am now), and get to work. Instead, I came to the library, put my books out in front of me, and started blogging.

Some of the pains of last semester are coming back to the surface. The amount of crap for legal writing is really annoying. So I have to sit here and read cases about non-compete agreements. There's one case where a party's name is Chaichimansour. Interesting name. It was bad enough having a name like Zahir growing up, where nobody would pronounce it correctly. I can only imagine what this lady went through.

So last night, some people in Section C had a bbq, to which they invited the entire class. A bunch of people were there, and it was pretty nice. Got to see some folks, have great conversations, cringe in disgust as they ate pulled pork, and generally sit around and have a grand ole time. Afterwards, a bunch of us went to go see Elektra. Now there are bad movies, and there are utterly bad movies. This one falls into the latter category. I have to say it was entertaining, but it was too hoaky for my taste. Reminded me of that really crappy Tomb Raider movie with Angelina Jolie. What pisses me off about Hollywood today is that there is no attempt at making good movies. Justin even commented that they tend to have some fake attempt at a plot, when in reality, all they do is parade around the lead actress in a tight skimpy outfit and have fight scenes. It's quite literally like porn, but for a younger audience. Whatever happened to the days when intelligent movies came out? Bill Maher even commented once about how when he was growing up, Hollywood didn't give a crap about him, so it forced him to go out and smarten up so he'd actually be able to watch these movies. Today, it's all about pleasing the 14 year old boy with shots of a scantilly clad heroine who once graced the pages of a comic book or video game. So much for standards.

So I had a very interesting conversation with Tracy yesterday, mainly about my commitment issues. Funny, only after dating someone and letting them get to know you well, do you finally let them become an instrument for self reflection. It's funny. Who would have thought that some of the best advice I'd ever get would be from an exgirlfriend? It's a catch-22 for us males out there whenever we try to figure out how the female mind works. 99.999% of girls will tell you what they think they want, but don't actually mean it. The majority of girls say they want the nice guy. The majority have never even once in their lives been interested in the nice guy. Then when you're a jerk to the ladies, it's not wholesome, and there's something awry. When you're nice, they get bored. It all goes back to my 'Cruel Joke' theory. I believe God made the personalities of men and women the way he did as a cruel joke to torture us. I gotta say, it is a pretty funny one. But there is still hope out there... hopefully one day I will be with someone who's has just as much a convoluted, yet ironically simple, mindset as myself.


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