Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Back in the Library

When I was at home during break, a friend of mine made a quip of how I talk about the library way too much on my blog. He was right. I do talk about this place a lot (low and behold, I'm back in the library right now). I think I spend more time here than I do in my apartment (aside from sleeping). It's funny, I'm reminded of a line from The Shawshank Redemption, where Morgan Freeman's character says, "These walls are kinda funny. At first you hate them, then you get used to them, then enough time passes, you depend on them." That's how I feel about this place. I'm dependent on this place to force me to do work, otherwise nothing would get done.

So far, the classes this semester seem more interesting, but a lot harder. Property seems like a really interesting class. The professor seems like a really brilliant guy, who has a great wealth of knowledge he's willing to share. The problem, as usual with guys of this level of knowledge, is that he's a pompous ass. Oh well. As for constitutional law, I think that class is the most interesting so far this semester. My professor is a spitting image of one of my finance professors back at NYU (except my conlaw prof has a southern accent, the Finance prof had an australian accent). Problem is that despite being brilliant, he's also monotone. So it'll be hard balancing between the interesting material and the lackluster delivery of it. Lastly, Criminal law should be interesting, and the professor is this little frail looking little lady. Don't know enough about that class to judge just yet. During Crim law, a certain friend here at the lawshool (her name starts with N and ends in ahea) was kicking my chair from behind most of the time! So now I have to think of intricate ways to annoy her during class. I'm thinking playing funny videos on my comp while she sits behind me would be golden.

So this semester had no grace period. From day 1, they dumped the work on us. So I'm sitting here in the library, reading away. I still have to read Property and Crim law for tomorrow. Wish me luck.


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