Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Monday, December 27, 2004


After getting home about a week ago, I decided to order iPods for myself and my sister. They arrived a few days ago, and since then, I've been continually ripping CD's and organizing my digital music. I had no idea how much crap I had in terms of my music collection. So far, it says 671 songs, that's roughtly 2 days worth of music.

What is it with the term "i" that's being put in front of everything nowadays to make it look all techy? There's iPod, iRiver, iBook, and so much other stuff with 'i.' It used to be 'e' for 'electronic,' but that seemed to have all of a sudden been replaced with 'i.' Does the "i" stand for interactive? If it does, that's ironic, because because of things like the 'iPod' and 'i' whatever else, people are becoming more closed off and doing their own thing (see next paragraph about how the iPod does this). Does the 'i' stand for 'innovative?' That would make some sense. Maybe it stands for 'individual.' I think that make sense too. I personally think the 'i' stands for 'irrelevant.'

The first day I got the iPod, I loaded some music onto it and was walking around the house. I showed my mom the little gadget and played some music for her. She said, "wow, you can shut out the entire world when you're listening to that." She was absolutly right. It's not just the iPod, but people in general, especially in NY, float around in their daily lives, shut off from everything going on around them. I think the iPod is just a symptom of that. Going on the subway or anywhere in public, the white headphones are ubiquitous. Everyone wearing a set is completely shut off from the world, minding his own business and enjoying the musical world in his own head.

Undoubtedly, I'm the same way. When I start carrying this iPod around with me in Atl, I'll be doing the same thing, lost in my own music and thoughts, ignorning whatever's going on around me. My sister said that her iPod will make her China Town bus experiences less painful (considering her Chinatown bus experience is the main topic on her blog 90% of the time, I guess she'll have to find something new on which to comment... maybe she can write about how she hates my taste in music?)

So yesterday, Nizar hosted the back-2-basics party. For some reason, the guys were extremely hesitant to call it a sleepover. We had no problem calling it that back in the day, so I don't see their phobia of calling it that now. It was pretty fun, just hung around, talked, ate junk food, played videogames. They hooked up his Xbox and PS2 to his big home theater screen, which was pretty cool. I rarely play video games, let alone Xbox and PS2, so needless to say, I got my butt kicked most games. The problem is that the games are way too complex for me now. I think old school Nintendo, with the direction pad, select, start, A and B as the only buttons was ideal. The Xbox controller has more buttons than a switchboard at Nasa control. I couldn't figure out what to do. I miss the old days of regular Nintendo and Sega Genesis.

So NY is cold. It's been snowing recently. I don't like the snow, it's too cold for me. I need to move someplace warm.


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