Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Second Tour of Duty

I arrived back in Atlanta a little over an hour ago. The drive wasn't too bad. When I left yesterday, it was rainy and gloomy in the northeast. By the time I entered Delaware, it was getting sunnier. As I crossed into the South (across the Maryland boarder), it was bright and sunny. Hopefully a sign of things to come.

I drove almost all of yesterday, then checked into a seedy Motel 6 in Charlotte. Got up early this morning and wound up here in Atl by noon. Feels good to be back. Problem is that I havn't bought my books yet, and classes start tomorrow. And lucky me, the bookstore is closed today. So I guess I have to get up early and get my stuff in the morning before class. When I got back, there were ants all over the kitchen counter. The trash wasn't taken out before leaving for break, so we had some other inhabitants move in. So my first chore back in Atlanta was making this apartment inhabitable for humans again. Can't wait to move out.

Luckily, I got to see my cousin and her husband this weekend. My cousin works for the UN and is based in Kabul, so it was a huge relief to see her in one piece (and not wearing a headscarf). So we hung around, showed her husband pictures from her 'awkward' years, and ate a LOT of food. My mom has a tendency to make tons of food when company is over, so almost every day felt like a thanksgiving feast. But I did get to enjoy some foods in NY that I can never get here in Atl. Got my last fix of Patsy's food, home cooked food, Gray's Papaya, Afghani food, and halwa before coming back to school. Now back to treadmill culture.


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