Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Home... Home again...

"... I like to be here when I can." Those are lyrics from Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon,' which most people of my generation only know because of the strange synchronization with the Wizard of Oz. I barely watch tv anymore, but now that I'm home and have some spare time, I flip channels every once in a while. The Wizard of OZ was on yesterday. It didn't have Dark Side playing along with it since it was on network TV, but nonetheless, it made me think about some of the tracks, and now they're stuck in my head. Why is it that they always play Wizard of Oz around Christmas time? The movie really has absolutly nothing to do with the holidays. Oh well... I guess it's a family favorite for most American families, and holidays are supposed to be about family.

But I have been home again for the past few days. On the drive up from Atl, I stopped in DC and spent a day with my cousin. That was awsome. If only our sisters could have been there too.

I'm bored at home. So yesterday, I met up with Yon and Sarah. Got my fix of Patsy's food. No wonder I was obese while here in NY. It just made me realize how unbelievably bad the food is down there in Atl. But it was great seeing Yon and Sarah. After that, I went back to my polar apartment in Brooklyn. For some oddball reason, the heat wasn't on in the bedroom, but it was fine in the rest of the Apt. So I woke up this morning not wanting to get out from under the blanket. But alas, I braved it out. Met up with Jeff for lunch at this really awsome little French cafe on Smith St. But now I'm back home, bored to tears.

I like being home, but I also miss Atlanta. I hope the rest of the break is more exciting.


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