Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Friday, January 28, 2005

Severe Forecast

A few days ago, I spent a good 40 minutes or so putting together a blog entry. As I hit the 'Publish Post' button, what did I get? An error message and IE freezing up. After getting the computer restarted, I couldn't remember the exact words I used in the original entry, so I gave up. I hate when that happens.

It's cold today. When I spoke to my parents earlier in the week, they told me about the blizzard up north. Fun stuff. Glad I'm not around for it. The snow is one thing I'm not missing at all about home. Today, there are severe weather advisories for this weekend. They're expecting freezing rain, so they're talking about shutting things down. And not even for snow! No wonder the south lost the civil war, shutting down for these minor things.

So as I was walking from class to the shuttle, I saw a man wearing a fur coat. Not even a Pimp fur coat, just a regular what the wife of a banker would wear type of fur coat. It was strange, the man was dressed in semi-professional attire, he was near the healthcare center, yet he was wearing a fur coat. So that was the minor highlight of my day.

So I finally moved out of my old room last weekend. Glad to be away from that hellhole. As I was packing up my food in the kitchen, I picked up one of the kitchen towels I bought earlier this year. Apparently the old roomate used that cloth to wipe up the ants that were all over the place from garbage being left all over the place there. So I abandonned the towel. According to my property professor, since I wilfully abandonned it, I guess I no longer have any rights to it. Oh well.

The forecast for the rest of law school is now feeling a little bleak. The first semester was brutal, and this one is looking hard. I'm not sure what I'm doing with my life anymore, and I honestly hope that I can find something that I'll be really happy doing. If all else fails, there's always a life of crime to look to. I always wanted to be a circa 1920's gangster, wearing a pinstripe suit and toting a tommy gun. Except the whole bloodshed part, that I could do without. It would have been fun being taken down like Al Capone, being put away for 'tax evasion.'


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