Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Monday, March 14, 2005

Not-so-wild Spring Break

I'm back in NY, hanging around in my room listening to my iPod while my parents are asleep in the next room. So far, this spring break has been pretty tame. It's cold in NY. Still feels like winter. I remember back during spring break of 2001, while I was studying abroad in London, Sre and Martin came to visit. We flew over to Prague, then took the train to Krakow for a few nights. An amazing spring break, but a cold one. Central Europe was still cold, we had to wear our winter jackets. And who could forget Sre with his bright red Washington Capitals jacket (one day, that jacket will be in the Smithsonian). The first person we met in Prague said, "Caps fan eh?" Only Sre could bring about a situation like that.

So this break, I have to do a ton of work. Unfortunatly, I was lazy yesterday and the day before. The first night I got back, Sue was having her 25th birthday party. I have to say it was a blast. Got to see a lot of old friends from Stern. I can't believe it's been three years since graduating. I remember the days of underage partying and fake id's. I still remember the night trying to bribe the bouncer to get into Stacey's 21st birthday (the bribery attempt was unsuccessful). So tomorrow I'm heading up to Boston to see my sister. Going up with my mom. That should be a fun day. I'll have to bring books with me and try to get a lot done. I hope it's productive. I can't afford to lose another day. Hopefully I'll also get to see Sachin. Havn't seen him in a while.

I think one thing that everyone does is to think about events in his or her life and wish they could go back in time and give himself advice on how to handle it better. For example, I was speaking with an ex of mine today. Most of the conversation was pretty normal, part of it had me in side splitting laughter on stupid things I've done. For example:

[name redacted]: is that also the same night you gave me a birthday card wiht my name spelt wrong and 4 dollar food emporium flowers?

Now that is smooth! I think there are moments we've all had where we want to go back and slap ourselves silly. But luckily I made those mistakes in the past instead of the present or future.


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