Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Still No Flying Cars

So this is my first post of the new year. 2005... it sounds so futuristic. I still remember when just saying 'Year 2000' felt futuristic. Growing up, especially in the late 80's and early 90's, I would have thought that we'd have flying cars by now. But no, we still have our gas guzzling Saudi-pleasing SUV's and other gas powered engines.

I'm curious to see what will happen this year. 2004 was a hard year to top. We had a ferocious presidential election, the Red Sox coming out of nowhere to win the world series, the idiotic term 'wardrobe malfunction' enter our vocabulary, William Hung becoming a minor celebrity, and the 'insurgency' in Iraq taking full measure. On the personal front, 2004 saw me go to Al Ummah, where I met some great people and started to spike my hair, move to Atlanta to start law school, lose 20 lbs, and a lot of other experiences. Not to mention, 04 saw my sister's life drastically changing direction. It was definitely an extremely eventful, and for the most part, a very good year. I just hope 05 is an improvement.

New Years Eve was spent in the city. I met up with Fader, who took me along on some errands to feed a cross eyed-cat named Angelina before heading out to the city. Cross-eyed cat just sounds funny. But the cat herself was sweet. So we met up with Joyce and went up to Sre's place. That was awsome... got to chill for a while, catch up with those guys, and have no fierce political debates with Gabe. Also got to glimpse the boulder that Shama (Sre's fiancee) now wears on her ring finger. That was pretty sweet. After that I headed over to Micky's, where I got to see most of my friends. It was a pretty chill night, and albeit nothing crazy, it was amazing because I got to see a lot of friends who I missed terribly while I was in Atlanta.

It made me realize how unbelievably formative the years of college are to people. Last week, I went over to Nizar's place for the back to basics party. We had a b2b about 5 or 6 years ago at Khayal's (f/k/a Adil) place. Now that was a true b2b. This one didn't feel the same at all. But it had all the elements, the company of old friends, the video games, the junk food (only thing missing was the wild comedy). So, either we're too old to enjoy a b2b, or maybe I'm no fun anymore.

I wonder if my blog will get any better in 05?


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