Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

In the Presence of God

So this week has been going insanely slowly. But there were a few interesting turns. I finally met my new roomate. I requested a room transfer before break, and they finally got back to me. I went to meet the new guy yesterday, and he seemed alright. Big dorky looking guy who's getting his masters in Chem. The apartment was almost identical to my current one layout wise, except the view is of the inner court yard instead of the beach volleyball court. Hopefully I'll have moved by this weekend.

I may have mentioned that during break, some kid named Byron inflammed the entire law school by sending out a massmail entitled, "Why Jesus Came," with a lot of Christian theology and messages. I responded with a massmail of my own, trying to rebut his claims and whatever. I got a lot of personal messages saying 'thank you' or stuff like that. But Byron got a lot of public and private emails that were not so nice and a little more vicious. In response to the whole hoopla, one of my friends, Mike, put together a public forum on free speech and religious freedom. That was today. Considering the amount of sensitivities that were shown on the class listserv, I was very surprised to see how few people actually showed up. There were only about 20 of us there, if even. But on a bright note, the discussion was excellent. Civil, humane, intellectual. Got to hear some very interesting points.

I also got to personally meet Byron. I thought he'd be a totally self-righteous and condescending person. I was wrong. He sounded self-righteous on the email exchanges, but he wasn't bad. I actually had a decent time talking to him. He acknowledged that people didn't agree with him, but he wasn't as judgmental as I thought he would be. I could tell he's someone who very much believes in what he's saying and preaching, but he is also someone who is not completely blind and stupid. We were talking about putting together religious dialogues and forums (which I doubt will draw a major crowd at the school), but has the potential, nonetheless, to yield some very interesting learning opportunities and discussions.

Other than that, it was freezing these past few days. Not fun in the least going outside. Today I had to break out the scarf. I remember last winter was extremely brutal up in NY, and it really wasn't fun dealing with the cold. One day, when leaving for work, I didn't have a scarf (I think I lost it a day or so before). My mom was insistent that I take a scarf, and even went and got her pink scarf for me to wear. I respectfully declined to go in public with a pink scarf. I'll let you figure out why.

So now I'm reading criminal law. I just finished reading a case about a guy who inadvertantly almost killed his mother in law. Earlier last week we had to read a case about these guys shipwrecked at sea who killed someone and ate him to survive. Interestingly, there is no law against cannibalism here in the States. So Hannibal Lecter is nothing more than a common murderer.


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