Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Friday, December 10, 2004

The Halfway Point

Two finals down, two to go. On Tuesday, I had my contracts final. I think it went decently well. Hard to say. I kind of freaked out the first half hour, but after calming down, I finished up with enough time to go back and resolve issues on the first half of the exam. But in the course of three hours and thirty minutes, I was done with it. Yesterday morning wasn't as much fun. It was the legal methods final, which was a take home test. We pick it up at 9 a.m, and it's due the next day at 5 p.m. So after picking it up yesterday, I got crackin, hoping that I'd get a decent amount done.

But it turns out that the exam was a total iceberg. It seemed to be not bad at first... I worked for several hours reading through the cases in the packet. Then when it came to actually writing the exam, I realied how unbeliveably in depth the thing had to be. I worked for nearly 21 hours straight, with some breaks for eating and stretching. But I pulled a near all nighter, worked straight through until 6 a.m. I think I started halucinating at that point. The letters started moving around on the screen (and off it), and I was slipping into a near unconscious state. So I decided it would be helpful to come home and sleep for a bit. Three hours later, I was up and working on it again.

But the funny thing is that after waking up, I read the things I wrote the previous night and a lot didn't make sense. Some of it didn't even seem to be in plain english. I was meshing sentences together and all that sort of stuff. You could tell it was written in a state of exhausted delirium. But I finally finished and handed it in at 4. Came back and crashed for an hour, then went to khane. Alas, some degree of sanity came back.

But now the crunch begins for the remaining two finals. Torts Monday, Civ Pro Wednesday. Then freedom at last. But these next two exams are the most difficult hurdle to clear. Tomorrow should be an interesting day of cramming.


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