Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Monday, December 06, 2004

The Calm Before the Storm

Fifteen hours and 32 minutes until my first final begins. I'm feeling nauseated. All I ate today was a bagel in the morning, had a cup of coffee, and a granola bar sometime around late evening. And I still feel like I'm about to throw up.

The exam tomorrow is Contracts. I didn't start my outline until about 2 and a half weeks ago. But luckily I got it done a few days ago. I'm feeling pretty good about the material. As long as I don't blank out, I should be fine. It's strange... I'm finding it strangely easy to spot most of the issues. But the hard part is verbalizing it and explaining it according to the facts. I'm gonna have to take a lot of deep breaths tomorrow.

I feel like a person six inches tall crawled down my throat and into my stomach (kind of like that weird slim jim guy), and is jumping around and banging my gastric walls. That's the only way to describe it. I know it's gonna be worse tomorrow. But hopefully it'll subside after the first hour or so.

I miss home. I miss my friends at home. I miss my room. I miss the guest room that I normally sleep in. I miss being fat (not really, but I miss all that sugar I used to down).


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