Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Friday, October 01, 2004

So what? It's only a nuclear bomb

Yesterday, Micky sent me a link from CNN:

Scientists renew search for lost nuclear bomb
Bomber dumped H-bomb off Georgia coast 46 years ago

SAVANNAH, Georgia (AP) -- Spurred by what appear to be unusual
radiation readings offshore, the U.S. government is sending a team of 20
scientists to try to find a hydrogen bomb lost off the Georgia coast in

[text omitted]

A B-47 bomber dumped the H-bomb into the Atlantic Ocean 46
years ago after the plane collided with a fighter jet during a training flight.
Navy divers searched the shallow, murky waters near Tybee Island for nearly 10
weeks before declaring the bomb irretrievably lost.

The bomb became one of 11 "Broken Arrows" -- nuclear bombs
lost during air or sea mishaps, according to U.S. military records.

At first, I found this quite funny. I moved down here from the South, thinking that it was a nice friendly and warm place. I though the whole nuclear stockpile was a whole Pacific Northwest sort of thing? Oh well.. why should they have all the fun. I find it particularly disturbing that there have been 11 lost nuclear weapons in US history. If we can't even find our own nukes, how the hell were we expected to find Iraq's (nonexistent) stockpile?

So today wasn't a bad day. Spent a lot of time in the library finishing all my crap. Afterwards, I came back and went to Brian's place to watch the debates. It's ironic after reading about a nuclear weapon we lost 46 years ago is only now turning up, I heard both Bush and Kerry speak of how nuclear non-proliferation is one of our nations most pressing issues. I know I'll be sleeping easy with either one of these clowns in the White House.

So tonight I talked to Zahra for a little while. It's nice being back in touch. She's no longer a flight attendant, and is now going into nursing. Glad to hear that she has her life in order. Seems like ages ago since last year. For all intents and purposes, it was practically an eternity considering the change in lifestyle and career that both of us have gone through.

Time to go to sleep.


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