Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


After waking up at 9 this morning to get ready for my 10:30 class, I got a call from a classmate telling me class was cancelled! Woo hoo... Two for two. So I had an unexpected day off on my hands, and just like a good responsible law student who should have gone to the library to get work done, I blew off everything and went to the mall. I went along with Jen, so at least I got somewhat of a female commentary on my choice of clothes.

So I got my new pair of bootfit jeans that don't hang loose on me like elephant skin. I was so used to wearing baggy jeans and big sweatshirts that I forgot what it was like to actually wear clothes that fit. After dropping some pounds during the past month, my Bullhead jeans no longer fit me. Those things are freakin huge now! Luckily, I had another pair of jeans that I bought two years ago that I never really wore because they were too tight. Low and behold, now they fit. What a tradeoff.

Throughout the highschool years, all we ever did was go to the mall. We honestly had nothing better to do with our time. Everyone's been making the parallel, but law school really is like highschool. We're with the same people day in and day out, everyone gets to know everone else's business, bickering occurs, and so on. So why not top it off with the typical highschool activity of going to the mall?

So after the mall, we had a grad student mixer. It's odd, the concept of the mixer. It's more like 'we offer you free food, so you can all come together and ignore eachother as usual.' There was no mixing between the schools. We law students hung around together, the MBA's were all in their little engraved name-tag crew, and the med students had their clique. But they had snacks and drinks on the house. Better than nothing. So it wasn't until after I got back from the mixer I realized I still have a lot of reading to do for tomorrow. Fun stuff. Luckily another shortened day.


  • what the hell does this mean: "so at least I got somewhat of a female commentary on my choice of clothes".

    SOMEWHAT of a female commentary? what are you talking about? am i SOMEWHAT female? are my comments SOMEWHAT adequate?

    you suck. i'm not going shopping with you again and i'm never commenting on your clothes again.

    just kidding <3 ...but not really

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/03/2004 12:27 PM  

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