Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


So Atlanta hasn't exactly been the warmest place in the past day or so. We're being hit by the remnants of Tropicle Storm Frances, and it's been rainy and dreary for the past day or so. Last night we had a minor power outage. A bunch of people overslept and came to class late this morning. Luckily, my alarm clock has this feature where it remembers the time even after an outage, so it went off as planned.

The big problem with being in the south is that they make up for the heat outside by overcompensating with the airconditioning inside. This is one of the weird places where you 'come out from the cold,' instead of 'come in from the cold.' In addition, some attitudes have turned a little frosty, but I digress.

But other than that, I got to see some Al Ummah folk this weekend. The national SportsFest was in town, so Sultan and Nash came down. Got to see those fellas as well as AK, who I don't get to see nearly enough. Also went to see Garden State with Justin this weekend. It was really decent. Zach Braff is a highly underrated actor/director. They captured the post-college malaise very well.


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