Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, September 16, 2004

The Downpour

Normally I think it's kind of cool when it rains. There's something ironically soothing about the sound of rough rain on the windows. Not to mention looking at lightning is cool. Right now, GA is being hit by Ivan. This was a hurricane earlier today, but has since been downgraded to a tropical storm. Nonetheless, it's still pretty fierce. They're predicting that it'll down trees and phone polls and stuff like that. Last week when we were hit by the remnants of Frances, one of the big trees in front of the law school fell over sometime during the night. Luckily nobody hurt.

So yesterday was Chandraat, and I went for services. As I was leaving the Clairmont parking deck, I was in a bit of a rush, so I cut someone off at the stop sign. When I got to the jamatkhana parking lot, the person who pulled into the spot next to me had a Clairmont parking decal on their window. So while walking into the hall, I started chatting with her. Her first words were, "It's nice to meet you. I didn't know there were other Ismailis at Clairmont. So you're the one who cut me off at the stop sign!" But nonetheless, she seemed pretty cool. She's an undergrad living in the tower. So my NY driving made me a new friend.

The workload is beginning to suck royally. LWRAP is an annoying course. We had an extra session today that I just got out of. The problem is that we had to stay later than usual, and the session was almost completely useless. So now I'm in the library finishing torts reading. Yay.


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