Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Monday, August 30, 2004

A Day of Surprises

So today was a day full of minor surprises, both to myself and the people around me. My roomate had his 23rd birthday on Friday. Unfortunatly, he had to trek back to NY because his grandfather passed away, so he was a little upset. So today, a few of us decided to have a mini-surprise party /study break for him. We got the cake, put it at Smitha's, and took him over there around 9. Just a small gathering, but he was pretty surprised nonetheless for the ad hoc party.

Jen, a girl we befriended the first week, naturally came along. She and my roomate seemed to hit it off pretty well, it looked like my roomie was going to ask her out sometime soon. So while we were waiting for Smitha to finish putting the candles on the cake, some of the girls were hanging around in my room chatting with eachother. That's when the bomb dropped... we found out that Jen was married! Whoa... that was unexpected... Jen's in my section, she's around my age, and by no means does she act like she's married. We just assumed she's single. She also has one of those naturally flirtatious personalities, never mentioned a husband, and seemed to be getting along pretty well with Malav. When I told him about it not more than an hour ago, his jaw dropped in shock. So much for his plans.

Also found out this morning about the car bombing in Kabul. My cousin is there with the UN right now, and the attack was only a few blocks from where she works. Thank God she's ok.

So I finally got my computer today. I took a good while setting everything up and getting my internet connection running. I was thinking of burning a few CDs and whatever when I realized, quite unexpectedly, that this damn computer doesnt' have a CD burner. What the hell? No wonder this thing seemed to be such at such a good price. I thought those things were more or less standard nowadays. Yet another surprise.


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