Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, September 02, 2004

5 hours in the Library

So today, I finally buckled down and went to the library to do my reading. This past week, I figured I'd just do my reading here in my room, but that turned out to be a not-so-bright idea. I got my computer earlier this week, and ethernet certainly isn't conducive to studying. I also have a TV in the common room. Not to mention the refrigerator. So studying at home isn't all that efficient. I went over to the MacMillan library, found a little cubicle on the third floor, and got all of my contracts reading done. It took me 5 hours to read about 20 pages (with very detailed notes, damn good case briefs, and frequent breaks). So what prompted this sudden bout of nerdliness? Fear... I haven't been cold called yet. I have a feeling my day of judgment is coming up.

Other than that, I had a good week. Last night, section F got together at this place called the Dark Horse tavern out in Virginia Highlands. Met some people I didn't even know were in my section. Fun stuff. I also found out that the cute Bosnian girl is my lockermate... Along with some goofy looking 2L. Who would have thought they'd assign 3 people to one locker?

On Monday, when we had that mini-surprise birthday party for Malav, Naeha spent some time around our apartment, criticizing the manliness of it all. It really did sound like my mother came to town and criticized the state of cleanliness as usual. But I do have to say that our apartment is messy... It's not dirty, just messy. Naeha has some plans to bring the other girls over and do their own Queer-eye makeover of the apartment, only involving women instead of gay men.

So today, I had yet another reminder of Al Ummah. During my contracts reading, I had to brief a case called Allegheny College v. National Chautauqua County Bank (NY Court of Appeals, 246 NY 369, 159 NE 173 (1927)). About, you guessed it, Allegheny college's right to a gift that some woman gave them, but later tried to revoke. What was funny was that this lady gave the gift because of her interest in furthering Christian Education, and was very adamant about the money being used for students preparing to go into the Ministry. This lady was probably spinning in her grave this summer, that a Muslim camp invaded her alma mater.

I also got a little USB memory travel drive today! It's funny how little things like that seem to excite me. Wow, I'm a big geek.


  • thanks for showing me your blog so i can read it in its entirety at 3:27 a.m. while i'm supposed to be doing direly significant studying.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9/16/2004 3:29 AM  

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