Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Multiple Personalities

I have a friend here at law school who doesn't really talk to me during the day. We have contracts together, pass each other and wave, ocassionally chat. But later at night, online, or on the phone, we have conversations. Weird. People assume different personalities based on their medium of communication, the time of day, and their situation. I undoubtedly do the same.

For instance, in my apartment, I am one of the laziest human beings on the planet. A rock with clothes on for all intents and purposes. As such, I can't get anything done there. So I come here to the library, where I adopt the personality of a semi-studious person. I actually am fairly productive here. I think it may be the thoroughly horrible white lights and over-airconditioned atmosphere of this place. It's horrid. So horris that the most interesting thing to do is my work for the next day.

I've been here since 5. I got my Civil Procedure reading done, but still have to work on my legal writing assignment for Friday. That is by far my least favorite class. It's funny, all of my professors are very respectable people. They're all powerful, intellectual, and command a strong degree of respect from their students. Not so with the LWRAP folks. The professor's not really a professor, she seems to be the least experienced of the teaching crew, whatever else. Not to mention the material is very dry and boring.

So yesterday I met Abdul Uncle for dinner. We went for masala dosa at this South Indian restaurant not far from Emory. That dosa was damn good... although the sambar didn't sit all that well in my stomach. Also had sugar cane juice and badam halwa (almond pudding for you whitees out there).

Saba (the other Ismaili girl who lives at Clairmont) called me earlier today asking if I wanted to help out with the Partnership Walk this weekend. Sounds good... anything away from campus is a good thing. Not to mention, anything that requires being outdoors before the weather starts to suck is awsome. Incidently it's charitable work too.


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