Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Monday, August 09, 2004

My Last Monday at Home... Last night with Buffy

So today is the final week. This is the last Monday I'll spend here at home in Long Island for quite a long time. I'm feeling both anxious and nervous about the move to Atlanta. But I need a change of scenery.

This weekend was very eventful. On Saturday, I took a group of friends out to the Jackson Diner, out in Jackson Heights. Pretty damn good Indian food. The buffet was good, but after eating, I literally felt like my stomach was about to break open from being so stuffed. Problem is, on Sunday, I had a wedding to go to at the Akbar restaurant in Long Island. So two days straight of stuffing myself silly on an Indian buffet didn't help my new marginally slimmer waistline. I jumproped for 20 minutes today to somewhat make up for it. Walking around Jackson Heights with non-Desis is pretty fun. We walked around in a Sari shop, went to a music store where I bought two cd's. While they were sampling them for me, they sounded good. At home, they have one good song (not surprisingly, the one sampled at the store), while the rest is utter garbage. That's the last time I'm ever buying an Indian remix cd. We also went into a jewelery store with Yon and Sarah. Sarah was talking about how her parents are happy that her younger sister dumped her boyfriend... for some reason, my uncouthness bypassed my filter, and I blurted out, "why, was he black?" I got roaring laughter out of Sachin, but the 'you're a dumbass' look from Sarah.

So on the trip to Jackson Heights, we had a small issue. One couple didn't come along because they didn't want to see the other couple for completely asinine reasons. An ever so slightly awkward situation. Later, we went over to Sue's place to chill and play poker for a few hours. I popped in two of the desi CD's I bought, and in the non-Indian gathering that it was, it added an ironic sort of background entertainment. Overall, it was really fun. Probably the last time I'll see my friends for a long while, probably December break. Around 10ish, we got hungry, so Jonas and I went to the Carnegie Deli. I ordered a mix of pastrami and corned beef, while Jonas ordered regular corned beef. I was a little annoyed that they were charging me more for my sandwich. But once I got the sandwich I realized why... that thing literally was piled high with at least 4 to 5 inches of meat. I finished about half, then consumed the rest today.

So last night, I met up with Fader after quite a long time. She's the one soley responsible for my addiction to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We had to finish watching season 2, which we did very late at night, then started season three. Pretty much watched Buffy for about 8 hours straight. Saw a few more episodes tonight. Need to finish season three before thursday.

Heading to Boston tomorrow to see my sister. Should be fun, probably won't see her after for a long long time.


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