Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, October 07, 2004

So this is what all the warnings were about?

Everyday this week, I have spent several hours at the library. Yesterday and today, I got to the library around 4ish, and didn't leave before 10. The library is kind of nice... if you're not a law student. To me, it's a thoroughly horrible place that's over airconditioned and full of people I'm around all day. It's so boring over there that the only thing to do is work. Here in my apt, there are too many distractions. Namely the refrigerator and the tv.

This week has been annoying. I have been overloaded with work and it's getting colder outside. It's no longer consistently in the high 70's low 80's anymore. Luckily I'm not in NY, I hear at home it's in the 40's. So the south has some virtues left.

So the big assignment that's driving me nuts is for legal writing. I have to say that the research, although a bit tedious, comes across some really funny (albeit tragic), cases. One case, Doe v. Doe, is about a husband suing his wife for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress because in their 20 somewhat years of marriage, she never told him she was having an affair, and that two of their three children weren't his. Sucks to be that guy. Another case, that's not all that funny, is called Miller v. Ratner, has a woman recovering from breast cancer surgery and radiation at her boyfriend's house. Apparantly, the boyfriend was a bit of a dick, and would have his little brother call the lady in the middle of the night and call her things like, 'whore,' 'slut,' and 'one breasted woman.' Kinda screwed up. The court said these guys were total assholes, but the woman had no legal right to be there, and ruled against her.

Other than that, of course when you have a huge workload, you also find time to procrastinate (unfortunatly not nearly as much as when I was an undergrad). I waste some time popping digital bubble wrap, or reading other stuff from Newyorkish. Also can't forget the trusty New York Times, and other random places to help pop the bubble of University life.

Luckily, this week is almost over. Unfortunatly this will be a work weekend. Yuck.


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