Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Anti-Abortion Rally and Indian Food

So today was a pretty relaxed day. I didn't feel much like going out last night, so a bunch of us hung around Brian's place and watched 'Super-Size Me.' The director, Morgan Spurlock, is a complete wannabe Michael Moore. Although not as vehmently political, he tries to imitate Moore's provocative style. Pretty funny, but it got boring after a while.

Today was nice. I woke up around 9 and decided to go to the gym. Normally I always go to the gym in the late afternoon, but it felt pretty good starting the day off with a run. It definitely gave me more energy than usual.

Afterwards, I wound up going to Starbucks. What was hysterically funny is that on the way there, there were a bunch of people on the side of the road holding up signs that said, "Abortion is Murder," and "Adoption is the humane Option." Funny... leaving your unwanted child at an orphanage to either be raised by the system, or some random couple, seems very humane. The Christian right never ceases to amuse me. They have a right to their opinions on abortion... but the whole stem cell thing? Come on?

Tonight I took a few people for an Indian dinner. Went to Zyka... the most downscale atmosphere you could find, but some of the best Indian food around the Atlanta area. And as usual, after eating, I felt like my stomach was about to burst. But the naan was well worth it. There are few things in life that are as nice as a fresh from the tandoori oven naan, fluffy and dripping with melted butter. Right now after eating that much I don't know if that thought is tempting or nauseating.


  • come to kabul. you'll get naan morning noon and night...! yesterday i ate a half a loaf of wonder bread....the joys of being home.

    have you read "the clash of fundamentalisms"?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/04/2004 3:42 PM  

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