Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, October 14, 2004

October Surprise

So again, I'm at the library. Last week, working on a legal writing assignment, I spent way too much time here than I would have liked. I'm sick of this place, the white lights and endless rows upon rows of case reporters and statute books are losing their charm. Other than that, I still do better work here than I do in my room. For some reason, I feel ultra lazy when there's a refrigerator and a bed nearby.

So this week has been fairly mundane. I watched parts of the third debate yesterday. Is it me, or are these two candidates saying the same crap over and over? Instead of these useless debates, let them just go up there and make 'yo mamma' jokes about each other's mothers... that would be just as useful. Or, instead of the usual trading of insults, have a panel of independent non-partisan scholars grill each candidate about his respective record and proposals, and call him out on lies and other BS. Treat the candidates equally, when one goes off question, bring him back to it. That would be far more helpful to the voters about the nature of the guys we're supposed to elect to lead out nation. But on a serious note, our country is heading down a pretty screwed up path.

It's been particularly cold in Atlanta today. I don't even have a jacket. People were laughing at me earlier because I was always cold in the classrooms with the blasts of airconditioning. Now, everyone's dressed as warmly as I am. It's especially funny seeing the people from Florida deal with the cold. Makes me feel better in perspective about my cold weather tolerance.

I'm having serious cravings for good NY pizza at this point. Even the pizza flavored garbage they serve at Amore's sounds pretty good right about now. The pizza here in Atlanta sucks. Anytime the law school has an event, they always order Papa Johns... it's not bad for it's class of pizza (clumped together with pizza hut and dominoes), but it's still the best of the worst. They have these Greek restaurants (Athens Pizza) that have half decent pizza, but still nothing compared to a good NY slice from Due Amici or Sal's. I'd give anything for a pie from Patsy's or Lombardi's at this point.

One of my friends yesterday said I'm flirty. I don't know whether to take that in a good or bad way (she meant it in a bad, albeit humorous, way). I was always the one who was never good at kickin game or flirtatious behavior. So either I've gotten more avid, or the people here at the law school have insanely low standards. Oh well... I guess it's back to being the shy guy in the corner for me.


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