Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Friday, August 06, 2004


Over at Al Ummah, we had a quote board. One kid wrote, "Procrastination is like masturbation... in the end, you're only just screwing yourself." I thought that was oddly relevant today. I was trying to take care of the remainder of my paper work and my immunization forms for school. This is stuff I should've taken care of months ago. But hey, procrastination is fun.

I got a call from my cousin today, I havn't heard from her in months. She's shipping out to Afghanistan with the UN tomorrow. Sounds like an opportunity of a lifetime, but I'd be a little apprehensive before going to somewhere like Afghanistan. It takes a lot of courage to do what she's doing, and I'm proud of her for that. Funny part is she's officially based in Pakistan!

So my parents continued their semi-hostile takeover of my Brooklyn apartment. Since my dad opened up his new office, he keeps planning on staying here at my place. That means for the next week, if we all stay here, I get the privelege of sleeping on the air-mattress in the non-airconditioned living room. So I picked up my mom from work and brought her over before heading out to have dinner with Rahim and Noureen. They called later saying they didn't feel like staying, so I get to sleep in my room tonight. The nice thing is that my mom cleaned up my dirty apartment. I remember while I was in London, I cleaned my place thoroughly before my mom and sis came to visit. When they arrived, their first reaction was, "How could you live in such a dirty apartment," and managed to clean it properly. It was like that today... I always thought my apartment was relatively clean.

Tonight I had dinner with Rahim and Noureen at their place. They're such awsome people to talk to. They now live on the upper east side, a pretty fun neighborhood. Fun night, great conversations. I'm gonna miss having nights like tonight.

Until next time.


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