Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, August 01, 2004


Summer is almost over. This was my first actual summer vacation in 2 years. That was probably the hardest thing to get used to after graduation, the lack of long drawn out holidays. Luckily, I quit my job at the end of May and enjoyed the time off. Al Ummah was terriffic, and quite honestly, being idle at home wasn't all that bad either. I complained about the boredom, but when else in my life before retirement will I have the chance to be this lazy?

So this weekend was fairly good. My sister came down from Boston (as usual, because having lived on Summer in Boston, I know how much that city can suck). It was good. I finally got things normalized with her. I was angry for some reason since getting back. I guess it was a bit of a shock, my family being in a different routine since the beginning of summer. All that unfamiliarity all at once was a bit weird, and I took it out unnecessarily on my folks. Luckily I'm realizing this now instead of being pissed off for the remainder of the time I'm here.

Earlier this week I went with Joyce to see an off-off-Broadway show called 'Hoover.' It was in a tiny theater off of St. Mark's Pl. Really funny show about the former FBI director and his cross-dressing / abuse of power. Ironically it was very pertinent to today's situation with the whole terrorism thing. The cast was only about 6 people playing multiple roles, but pretty damn funny.

Hopefully I'll be able to hit up the beach tomorrow. Pending no rain.


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