Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Saturday, July 24, 2004


Today was one of the most quiet days I've had in a long time.  Quiet in the sense that I barely said a word today.  For some reason, I really didn't feel like speaking to anyone or saying anything.  Before AU, one of my favorite things to do was walk around and collect my thoughts.  I told people before how you start to figure out strange things about yourself when you are left alone with nothing but your thoughts.  I used to go for long walks, usually over the Brooklyn bridge, and just think.  This morning, I had to go to my dad's new office to do some data entry.  I decided to walk the few miles to Grand Army Plaza, and started thinking about stuff (mainly about how I can't wait to get the hell out of here). 

There were a lot of nice looking women walking about.  Most are shaped like hourglasses.  I think there's a reason for it.  Our time on this planet is limited.  I need to get my act together and start moving.  Women are a constant reminder of that. 

So I did nothing tonight besides watch some British flicks on IFC.  Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrells and Trainspotting (two of my favs).  Some friends went to AC, I wish I could've gone with them.  But tomorrow is the regional dandia, and for some reason, I really want to go.  So tonight was lonely and somewhat depressing.   There's nothing better than topping off a depressing night with a movie about herion addicts. 

It's strange, at the end of AU, I felt like a new person.  For the past few days, I feel like I'm slipping back into the old me, and it doesn't feel good at all.  Just another few weeks before my clean slate.  I'll be surrounded by new people with plenty of opportunities to make new friends.  Probably the last time in my life I'll have an opportunity like this, so I better not blow it. 


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