Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Friday, June 18, 2004

Packing and Praying

So after a restful week, I'm finally packing my stuff to head over to camp tomorrow morning. So for one month, I'll be held virtually incommunicado with the outside world. I have to surrender my cellphone and wallet once I get there. They figure if people have their phones, it would be a distraction and keep them from mingling and making friends there. I see their point, but I feel virtually naked without a cellphone and wallet.

Other than that, I hit up Great Adventure earlier this week. This week was the perfect time to go, virtually no crowds at all. We got to go on every single roller coaster we wanted to, (except Viper, which was shut down). The longest line was about 20 minutes. I love how the commercials say "Just minutes away from the city"... yeah, like 120 minutes. The designers got a little lazy... the area with the 'Frontier' and old west theme now houses the Medussa rollercoaster. The coaster there before Medussa had an abandoned mine theme, and they were too lazy to rip all that down. So Medussa, with its ancient greek iconography, is combined with an old west theme. The sign literally says, "Medussa" in crazy purple and green script, and right beneath is the old west sign in black and white reading, "Mining Company." Seriously, how lazy can you get?

I had to wake up really early this morning to drop my sister off at the airport. Today was Chandraat (new moon), which coincided with Friday. So keeping with Ismaili tradition, I fasted from 6 am to 6 pm. That wasn't too bad, but I was cleaning stuff out of my garage at around 6 am. The problem is that the work made me really thirsty, since by 6 it was already in the 80's. And being the genius that I am, I found my old bike. I dusted it off, and took a ride around the block. That didn't help the thirst situation at all. So I squirmed a little, but the fast was doable. After clearing some more garbage from the garage, I went back to sleep until around 11.

Until next month...


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