Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Friday, November 26, 2004

Thanksgiving Weekend

So after a week of slogging to get the open memo revisions done, I was treated to a nice surprise get together for my 24th birthday. Jen got a small group together to come out to the Brick Store Pub in downtown Decatur on the night of the 22nd. I have to say it was really nice to be able to take a break from the law school workload and just hang around with people. With finals coming up and everything else, sometimes it gets a little overwhelming.

I nearly fell over trying to take this picture. Posted by Hello

The crew at Brick Store Pub. Posted by Hello

So after celebrating on Monday night for a short while, I went to class on Tuesday and bolted to the airport right after. Sucharita gave us a ride to the airport, which totally rocked. I really would rather not have taken Marta or parked at the airport. It turned out that Jillian and I were both flying airtran, and our gates were right next to each other. Both of our flights were delayed, so we got to hang around and chill for about a good hour before I had to board. By the time I got back, my flight was an hour late, and I was exhausted. So didn't get much work done at home on Tuesday night.

Wednesday was pretty nice. Got some work done, got to hang around with the folks for a good while. I went through my closet to find clothes that still fit, and I started to kick myself. Before leaving for Atlanta this summer, I went through my closet and threw out the clothes that were too small, figuring that I'd never wear them again. Now I'm really wishing I hadn't, because some of them were expensive and nice. While in London, my mom and sister got me this French Connection shirt that had a bit of an athletic fit. Now it's been graciously donated to charity... dammit!

Thanksgiving at home was pretty nice. We went out to the Heritage Indian restaurant where my dad's friend and colleague invited us out. He's a pretty smart man, a good conversationalist. Dude's been in this country since 1962. It was pretty interesting hearing from his perspective how this country has changed over the past 40 somewhat years. He said that back in those days, American families were generally as conservative as Indian and Pakistani families at the time. After the sexual revolutions of the 70's, 80's, and 90's, things have changed significantly. But there's a backlash occuring after all this time. No wonder conservatism has come back with a vengence. But it's hard to tell to where this new found conservative resurgence will lead.

So I've been studying on and off for most of this thanksgiving holiday. Ugh, finals are going to suck. I can't wait until they're over. But then we party for a while, then I road trip back up to NY to get my car inspected. Yay!

Tonight, I get to go to jamatkhana, usual for a Friday. I havn't been back to the Long Island Jamatkhana since leaving for Atl. I wonder what it's going to feel like coming back to this Khane after getting used to the Atlanta atmosphere. On the bright side, at least I get to see a lot of the folks I havn't seen in a long time. More later.


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