Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Yes, Bush won. Get over it. I don't think it'll be as bad as people think. Yes, the Christian right will start pressing their agenda, but now that Bush doesn't have to pander to them, I doubt they'll get too much across.

So the past few weeks have been inexplicably busy. Starting to outline for finals, doing all the other crap law students are notorious for doing. Now I'm in the library reading a decision by Justice Scalia. Why is it that the most brilliant member of the court is also the most dicky?

My folks are coming into town this weekend. This is a very good thing. It means that I can get away from this area, and do my work somewhere else. But it also means I get to have some good food and spend time with the family. Can't complain about that.

So Yasser Arafat's about to die. And for some oddball reason the media is trying to portray this as a chance for peace? Luckily for us, organizations like Hamas that will be filling the power vacuum there are more than willing to negotiate a peace settlement. Plus the US is now blasting the crap out of Fallujah. This is so we can have a fair election not affected by 'terrorist' elements. I'm sure the Iraqi populace will be more than thankful to the Americans for blowing up their houses so they can vote in peace and tranquility.

Blogging is less fun when you're not happy. This workload sucks.


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