Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Ups and Downs

So today I'm in the library catching up on the reading I should have done earlier this week. It's not so bad, after a fun party last night, there's not much will to go out left in me. The place last night was pretty decent. It was called 57th Fighter Wing or something like that. Had a World War II aviator theme to it. The costumes were pretty fun to see also. A few Ali G's, random stuff like that. A lot of short skirts (not that I'm complaining or anything).

Problem is that often when I party, I get moody. So last night had it's ups and downs. For a short while I'd be talking to someone having a grand ole time, the next minute I'd feel crappy and want to go home. It always happens at parties.

Friday night at the Northeast khane was really nice. We got there a little late, so we wound up being in their extention facility. It didn't have the same feel at the Main khane here. It actually reminded me of the Long Island jamatkhana, but a bit bigger. Luckily I got to see some Al-Ummah kids. Really glad to see these kids doing well, especially some who have really turned their lives around since. I take a lot of pride in these kids, so that was definitely an up. When leaving after the services, we were in a van being shuttled to the distant parking lot. A lady with a 10 month old baby girl came into the van with us. The little girl was adorable... her name was Sophia. She grabbed my fingers in her hands and started teething on them. It was really cute. AK and some other guys were in the back being funny. AK even said to the 10 month old Sophia when her mom was taking her out of the car, 'call me.' We all got a good laugh out of it. I think the baby's mother was a little weirded out by us. But oh well... a fun night nonetheless.

So this weekend was full of ups and downs. The ups remind me of the beginnings of life, whether it be a fun conversation at a party or playing with an infant. The downs remind me of the ends of life, whether it be a lull at the party or the general feeling of apathy when I wake up some mornings. Hopefully I'll be able to balance myself out somewhere in the middle.


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