Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I met my mentor today. I was jealous of everyone else the first few weeks of law school, they were all given student mentors who actually bothered to get in touch with them and help them. I had no clue who my student mentor was supposed to be, and apparantly he/she/it didn't care to help me out. Oh well, there's no shortage of assholes here at lawschool. But luckily, AALSA (Asian American Law Student Association) offered professional mentors. I requested one and got one. He's this Vietnamese guy who has his own practice here in the Atlanta area. He was terriffic, very willing to help. I'm glad I wound up assigned with him.

So when I got up this morning, I wasn't entirely sure how to dress up to meet him. I originally planned on wearing my suit, but then figured it would be overkill. (Not to mention the fact that Jen made fun of me for talking about wearing a suit to meet my mentor). But alas, I settled on the gray dress pants and a blue shirt with a tie. More or less business cas. My mentor was dressed on the same level, so I didn't feel out of place at all. We went to a Vietnamese restaurant, had Pho, it was pretty damn good.

After heading directly back to the law school, a bunch of people were asking me why I was dressed up. I pretty much quipped 'Just to make other people look bad,' then told them I had a mentor meeting. Then one person at the library said I should be telling people that I'm interviewing, just to get their reactions. Today we had our career services orientation, so it really did fit right in to say something like that. So now the rat race that is law school turns into the rat race that is the search for a legal job.

Today... hell, the entire past week or so, has been insanely stressful. I needed to get away, so I went to khane tonight. There's something so peaceful about the Atlanta jamatkhana. The lighting inside is very pleasant, the incense smell very comforting, and the ambiance very sacrosanct. It gave me the relaxation and mental sanity that I really needed today. But after coming back, I tried going to the student activities center at Clarimont. It's right across the courtyard, and I usually go there just to use the gym. Today I tried going to use it as a study area... big mistake. That place is loud, crowded, and full of annoying undergrads. So much for finding new places to study, it's back to the usual spot in the library for me.

Today's one of those days where I'm just feeling very blah. I started thinking of the way I act around people, the things I say and do. I'm wondering if all those changes of 'letting my guard down' over the summer were worthwile. I'm naturally prone to internalizing everything, but I'm also not used to expressing myself. I think I was naturally cut out to be a hermit of some sort. But at the same time, I'm also naturally cut out to be someone who loves speaking to people. I think I'm either bi-polar or have multiple personalities. Who knows. I hate these days when I get moody or whatever. But whatever, it'll pass. Nice way to feel on the day of the most important election in our nation's history.


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