Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Mmm... Barbecue

So I came back from vacation on Thursday. Spent a few days in Puerto Rico with my family, lounging around on the beach, getting rest, playing a little roulette at the casino, and touring around a little. It's the last family vacation we're probably ever going to go on. After this, it's school, work and all the other crap. So Puerto Rico was good.

On the way back from Puerto Rico, the gate was filled with a bunch of kids all between the ages of 13 and 15 and wearing blue t-shirts. They were part of some youth band coming up to NY for the Puerto Rico day parade. They were loud. The gate agent went on the speaker and spoke in Spanish to a loud 'Yeahhhhh' by the band. When the plane landed at JFK, the pilot went on the intercom speaking quickly in Spanish, ending it with 'Boriqua' sending the band wild with cheers. They like to have their fun.

So yesterday was the big barbecue in Madison Park in NYC. The lines totally sucked, but the food was very good. If only they had more stations that didn't serve pork, it would have been better. So I hung around with the folks, ate a lot of food, and walked around to Union Square with some friends. They had some folks from a pet adoption organization walking around with dogs and puppies, even had some cats in cages, showing off their animals for adoption. One guy asked how much one of the dogs cost, and the guy holding the leash, in a very contemptous voice, replied "We are not a pet store. These animals are up for adoption."

Later met up with Joyce, who recently got back from a trip to Beirut. She brought me back a mini hookah that's totally awsome. Spent some time at Cafe Esperanto, on Macdougal Street. That place reminds me of Central Perk, from Friends, but less gay. Now I'm getting stuff prepared for Al Ummah. I'm leaving in less than a week. Looking forward to it, it's going to be a long slog. Hopefully it's fun.


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