Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Friday, May 28, 2004

Barbecue Flavored Shoes

So today was my last day of work. Judging as it's the Friday before a long weekend, there were very few people in the office. Not bad though, just relaxed and said my goodbyes to everyone there. So after the sentimental farewells, got to watch a lightning storm from my boss' office, then got on the last Path ride home. That's when the fun began.

While walking towards the front of the train car, I felt something hit my foot. Some freaky freaky eating a box of McNuggets thought it would be a good idea to toss an open container of barbecue sauce at my shoe. I just got those damned things polished too. So the strange thing who threw the sauce at me wasn't making eye contact, I couldn't even tell if it was a guy or a girl. Androgenous and drugged out or something. So instead of making a fuss, I just gave a dirty look then walked away, cleaned off my shoe and stood there quietly. But apparantly some lady next to me didn't want it to end that quickly. She started a fuss, called the conductor, and said, "That one right there threw barbecue sauce at this man's shoe." The conductor then said to me, "Do you want to press charges?" I passed it up. Why bother making a bigger fuss? The same lady making a fuss then continued, saying things to the sauce tosser like "It was a mistake you were born" and "don't be mad at the world, be mad at the ones who created you." Threats flew between them, the conductor came in again, asked her if she wanted to press charges, the whole 9 yards. The freaky freaky sauce tosser wound up sneaking out of the train at Christopher street, never to be heard from again. The conductor even said, "That was assault throwing the sauce at you. We could've taken (him/her/it) away in cuffs if you wanted to press charges." I wouldn't exactly want to remember my last day of work as the day when I got a crazy person incarcerated. (*note: All quoted dialogue above is approximate, and should be read with an inner city accent).

So I came home, went for Jamati services, now I'm being lazy at home. I found out our family friend went into labor last night, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl this morning. Z (cutest little kid ever, see picture below on the May 22 post), now has a baby sister. So a sauce tosser avoided arrest, I got my freedom from the constraintts of employment and a beautiful baby girl was born. So this day was a good one after all.


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