Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Newark Ceasefire

On the subway this morning, I ran into a girl I knew from NYU. This is the second time I ran into her on the subway. She's a tall (and pretty cute) Bengali girl. We lived in the same dorm freshman year, and for second semester I loaned her my books from Conversations of the West, never to get them back (not like I read them either.) I don't have much use for a Study Bible at this point in my life anyway. I hadn't seen her for many years, then last month sometime I ran into her on the Subway. We were standing next to eachother, then finally I had the courage to ask the obvious 'let's acknowledge that we know eachother' line of "Didn't you go to NYU?" When I ran into her this morning it was more cordial, and we even wound up swapping numbers and email addresses. So I potentially made a new old friend (I acknowledge the irony). She's probably heading to film school next year, and it's always fun to have artsy friends.

At work, some of the attorneys were a little worked up about one particular case. The attorneys brought in some papers to my office and asked me to hand deliver them to another guy at a firm down the street. They were laughing, telling me to watch for the look on the guy's face once he gets the papers. When I delivered them, the guy seemed to angrily tear open the envelope... I could tell he was pissed off when he saw our firm name on it. Funny, how even laywers in suits can get guilty pleasures from taking swings at their gang rivals.

Speaking of, I heard today that the Bloods and Crips and a bunch of other gangs signed a 'ceasefire' agreement in Newark. Nice to know that Newark is making better progress than Najaf. Now I feel safer in the city where I work and never go outside. When working in downtown Newark, after getting off the train, you never have to go outside to get to the Legal Center or the Gateway Centers. In all my time working, the only time I went outside was to get my notary commission at the court house. It's funny how the place turns from posh office highrise into total Ghetto within a 12 inch walk.

Three days of work left.


  • This is an obvious work of fiction. There are no cute or tall Bengali girls (except for the former Misses Universe, Susmita Sen and Lara Dutta). - Suman

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/27/2004 2:48 PM  

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