Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, May 27, 2004

02 Trips Remaining

"02 trips remaining" is what the Path turnstile read this morning as I entered. Tomorrow is my last commute to Jersey via the Path, and I'm really going to miss those shady, overcrowded and dirty trains.

It's strange, every weekday morning I walk by the construction zone at ground zero heading to the train platforms. At first, it was pretty solemn. It is, afterall, the site of a mass killing. But the more I walked by there, the more I realized the increasing numbers of tourists there to gawk and take pictures. It's just nauseating. There is usually a group of Asian people there taking pictures with a wide grin in front of the site. Asian tourists like to do that, they always take pictures by themselves in front of a monument or something, with their hands at their sides. Kind of like this guy:

The Asian Pose Posted by Hello

It's very peculiar. When it's not a group of Asians, it's usually a group of Southerners or Midwesterners seeing New York for the first time. I have a feeling that their paying tribute is undoubtedly followed by a lot of jingoism and praise for Bush.

So today at work wasn't bad. I spoke to a lot of folks, and I have to say that I really did work with a good group of people. Luckily I'm leaving on good terms. If I'm going to law school, it certainly doesn't hurt to stay in touch with people in the legal profession.


  • There is actually a second Asian pose in the picture, that of the photographer. Only Asians (and that also includes us South Asians) will stand so focused and so seriously for a regular, tourist-y photo, as if they're taking a picture of a tiger while on safari.

    By Blogger Some Human, at 5/28/2004 8:46 PM  

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