Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Monday, September 12, 2005

My Shiny Red Bicycle

Thank you Katrina. Now I'm officially self conscious about the amount of gas I burn on a daily basis. Not because I care in the least about improving the environment, but because it's getting pretty damn expensive. So for the past few weeks, I've been contemplating getting a bicycle. I figure that I only live about a mile from school, and on a bike, that ride would only take about 10 minutes or so max. So today, I went over to costco and bought myself a shiny red bike.

What I didn't realize is how I've managed to fall out of shape this summer. After working so hard last year to drop a lot of weight and get fit, this summer I managed to regain a good portion of the sluggishness I spent months obliterating. I didn't gain all my weight back, nor did I fall entirely out of shape. But that one mile ride to school from my building is full of hills and some other terrain that's not exactly easy to ride over. Not to mention, I forgot that I'd be riding with a laptop and several heavy books in my bag. So while I was riding on the private road between Clairmont and Asbury Circle, my laptop bag kept slipping from my back to my side, causing me to hit it with my knee and have to pull over to readjust. So this bike thing is going to have to take a little getting used to.

All in all, I got here to the library a sweaty mess. Not to mention, the bike lock I got isn't long enough to go from the bike frame through the front wheel to the bike stand. So now I'm at risk of some jerk stealing my front tire. I just hope that doesn't happen here in Atl all that often.

Other than that, things have been annoying here lately. School is extremely busy, and the brief writing competition for moot court is currently going on. I've been in a rut lately and I honestly hope I can snap out of it sometime soon. If not, life will suck royally. Last year, my life had some of the best and worst moments I've ever encountered. But overall, it was good. I hope I can recover a fraction of that goodness from last year. That'll be enough to satisfy me.


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