Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

25 Chocolate Munchkins

So far, my decompression here in NY has been going very well. On Monday was the Emory in NY job fair. I had three interviews, one with the law firm I used to work for. I think they went fairly well. It's just a little strange to be interviewing for the following summer before the school year has even begun.

Today I hung around in Brooklyn with Fader. Normally, when we hang around, we usually get Pizza from this Ft. Greene pizzaria called "Not Ray's Pizza." It has this anti-Ray's theme. For anyone who is familiar with Manhattan, there are tons of "Famous Original Ray's" and "Ray Bari" pizza places around (they all suck). This quaint Brooklyn pizza place prides itself on not being one of those places. Their take out menu has charicatures of Ray Liotta and Ray Charles with big "X"'s through them. Today, we had a craving for something sweet after the pizza, so we decided on Dunkin Donuts, specifically, munchkins.

I don't think I've ever bought munchkins just to eat. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever actually bought munchkins before. Every time I"ve had them, they've been a snack provided for some meeting or whatever, most often by a school or teacher. So fader and I were driving over to DD's, and we needed to decide what flavor(s) to get. We figured chocolate without issue, but for some reason, neither of us wanted to have any other flavor. Every time munchkins are provided for us in a group of any sort, people always sift through the batch and claim the chocolate ones first. That always annoyed me because it meant less chocolate for me. I'd usually leave one or two chocolate ones in the box because I felt bad taking the last ones for myself. This was perfect. No diversity, no 'variety,' just the good stuff.

Fader and I thought it was funny as hell. When I ordered the 25 munchkins, all chocolate, the guy behind the counter gave me a weird look and said, "that's a lot of chocolate." But it was all good. Nobody likes the other ones. The jelly ones aren't bad, but there's not enough jelly in them. The cinnamon ones suck and nobody likes them. The regular glazed and powdered ones are just plain bad.

It's kind of like having a party and inviting all of your multicultural and multiethnic friends along just for the sake of having variety, but in reality, you only want to talk to certain ones you like. But in that box of donut hole treats, there was no political correctness or multiculturalism. Only sweet chocolate goodness.


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