Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Saturday, August 13, 2005


I'm finally back in NY. It was funny, I went to Jamatkhana today and saw a good family friend and her two adorable little kids. She asked when I got back in town. For some reason, I couldn't remember that I only got in yesterday. It felt like I've been here longer. That's a good thing, I want to feel like I was home as long as possible before school starts again.

So last Saturday, I had a small get together to christen my new apartment (despite the fact that I've been living there for about 3 months already). Invited some friends over to hang around, throw snap-its off my balcony and just enjoy eachother's company. Got to catch up with some folks and really relax. Justin's family was in town, so he brought his younger sister to the party. I hadn't really seen her since highschool. That's one of the quirks about still being friends with someone 20 years after meeting them, you get to experience funny little reunions like that.

Here are some pictures:

Katrina and Justin. I can't remember what we were all laughing about. Just that it was hilarious.

Danielle, Katrina and Justin.

Colleen and Adam.

So last weeks small get together was really fun. I can't believe how the summer is almost over. It's blown by way to quickly. And as usual, it's had its ups and downs. I just hope the coming year will be a good one. Thinking back, I really didn't do all that much this summer. I interned at a small law practice, I watched a lot of Law & Order (both regular and SVU), enjoyed the scenery in Georgia, and hung around here and there. Nothing too exciting, very routine. In a nutshell, this is exactly what my summer looked like:

Wow, I need to get out more.


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