Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Guess where I am?

That's right... back in the freakin' library. I knew it, no matter how much I hated this place last year, somehow I'd wind up right back here complaining about the hellish experience that is called law school. But it's not too bad. At least there's some sunshine through the windows. Not to mention, the readings I'm assigned (for the most part) aren't as boring as those we had last year.

So I'm officially a 2L. Last year, in the window of the student run store that sells candy and stuff was a sign that said something along the lines of "2L = too L = tool." I just thought that was hysterically funny. Even now. I wonder when that places opens again. They sold candy bars 2 for $1.00. Not bad.

So last weekend I had a pretty wild time in Vegas for Sre's bachelor party. Along with me were my old roomates from Junior year, Martin, Sre, and Suman. On top of that, we were joined by Gabe, Alex, and Chris. There was plenty of gaming, partying and reminiscing. We stayed at Mandalay Bay, which is one pretty nice spot. On Saturday afternoon, we went to the the hotel wave pool which was the perfect way to spend an afternoon in 114 degree heat. The rest of the time we had fun. That's about as much detail as I'm going to get into.

So now I'm back in ole' Atl typing away at the library. Classes seem far more interesting this year. I'm taking Islamic Law, which I'm really enjoying so far. But I have to study in this class despite whatever I've learned and read about Islamic history and whatever. It's like that Chris Rock bit about him failing Black History. "I figured I'm a black man, I'd just show up and at least get a B... wrong... failed it. I don't get it, fat people don't fail cooking... oh, that's paprika!" Hopefully I don't fall into that same trap.

I'm also taking Evidence, not so interesting, Real Estate finance, which is awsome, and International law, which I dont' have until tomorrow. This semester is looking like it will be insanely busy, but I'm not all that worried. Some of this is reading I actually wouldn't mind doing.

Another thing about law students is that just about every 2L forgets his locker combination from last year. After winter break last year, I completely forgot mine, and had to spend a good 10 minutes at my locker just trying to remember what it was. I felt like an idiot. But then I got an email from my lockermate asking me what the combination was, so I felt more normal. Of course, this year I couldn't remember for the life of me what the combo was, so I had to hang my head low and go to the receptionist to ask for it. But there were at least 10 other people I saw doing the same thing, so again, safety in numbers became my saving grace. This place really is like highschool all over again.


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