Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Not having web access sucks

For several months, I relied on the generosity of neighbors with wireless routers. But alas, the little lock icon with the deadly words "security enabled wireless network began to appear," and my freeloading came to an end. So one of my friends yesterday quipped, "so that's why you're not online anymore." Last week I called Comcast to set up high speed internet service, and yesterday the cable modem arrived. So now my apartment is fully equipped with more wires and cables, all still without internet access. I spent at least three hours on the phone with the comcast folks being bounced back and forth trying to get my connection set up, all to no avail. Next week a technician has to come by. Yay!

Made me realize how much time I waste online all the time. Right now, at work, I should be working. But now the time I waste at home online has to be made up for by wasting time at work while the boss isn't in the office. Luckily today is a shortened day. I'm leaving for NY after work to go home for the weekend.

Yesterday was a decent day at work. My boss settled a major case, so we all got bonuses. We were all in his office when we started making fun of Tom Cruise and the rest of the freaky Scientologists. He went to wikipedia and started reading some of the bizarro beliefs that those folks have, including the crap about Thetans and a race of aliens being wiped out by hydrogen bombs. Interesting religion... interesting in a 'what the hell is wrong with you people' sort of way.

I got really annoyed yesterday. I registered for a real estate finance class for next semester with this renouned professor at Emory, Professor Frank Alexander. I met him once before and was thoroughly impressed by him, so I was really looking forward to his class. Unfortunatly, there were issues with the Deanship at Emory, and the previous dean stepped down. Professor Alexander was offered the interm deanship and took it. Unfortunately, this meant that he's no longer teaching Real Estate Finance. Now i'm stuck deciding what the hell to do.

I'm really mixed about going back to school for the second year. First year was torture, but it is over. Next year will be more difficult because of the workload plus full time job hunting. But I'll be taking classes that I think will be far more interesting and up my alley. Plus I chose these classes. Hopefully it'll be better. I've also heard about certain friends and classmates who are transferring out. Best wishes to them.


  • next year will be better; it's all about studying the things you want to study. see if you can find an open class that seems interesting. if not, maybe take a divorce law class and see the side of marriage not fully represented in your last post ...

    By Blogger Sophia, at 7/28/2005 3:36 PM  

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