Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Monday, August 22, 2005

Fun with a scanner... plus a little retaliation

I just got a scanner today. The idea originally popped into my head a few months back when I came across a photo from my parents' engagement. There's a black and white photo of my dad and his best friend just chatting away and drinking tea. Great expressions, and I wanted to scan it and order another copy. That led to me dusting off my old scanner only to find that it no longer worked after collecting dust for about 8 years. So now I have my new one.

My sister's last blog entry was entitled, "O Brother, Where Art Thou Brains?" It was a response to my comment on her prior blog entry that the entry was entirely pointless. First off, the correct title should be "O Brother, Where Art Thy Brains?" In the old / biblical English, Thy was synonymous with "your" and "thou" synonymous with "you." Everyone knows that. She's just bitter. She's always been bitter... ever since she was a baby. See:

For those of you who know her, I'm sure you've seen her make that scowl, even nowadays while she's in the latter part of her 20's. She especially enjoys it when when she takes shots at me. See...

So here is documented proof of my struggle of 20+ years against someone with dangerous sadistic tendencies. Hopefully one day, with some therapy, we can return back to times more akin to this (except I'd no longer be a head shorter):

I have one more week of relaxing at home before heading back to the meatgrinder of school. On Friday, I'm heading to vegas to meet up with Marty, Suman, Gabe, and the rest of the crew for Sre's bachelor party. That should be an awsome time.

Anecdote: A little over four years ago, during my semester abroad in London, Marty and Sre came to visit me. We went over to Prague for a few days, then took the overnight train to Krakow, Poland. That was an awsome trip. On day, while we were in the old town square of Krakow, we came across this traditional polish band playing Polish folk tunes. We went to get a picture with them and started conversing a little. When they realized we were American students, they started their Polish folk rendition of the American National Anthem. Here's the picture:

Fun times. It's hard to believe that it's been four years since. Notice Sre in the famous Red Jacket of international fame and notoriety.


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