Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Tom Cruise is a moron

Yes, this is a post about how retarded Tom Cruise has been acting as of late.

I just saw a small bit on CNN about his new movie, War of the Worlds. I have absolutly no plans to see it. It looks like the typical crap Hollywood has been putting out as of late, designed to dumb down everyone in the audience and make all the teenage boys there yell out "yeeeeaahhhh" every once in a while. Ugh. It looks like it's not even worth the rent.

What irritated me is when Tom Cruise went on Matt Lauer's show and slammed the host, saying things like he doesn't believe in Psychiatry, and that Lauer doesn't know the history of psychiatry, and he (Cruise) does. But what tops it off is that a German newspaper asked Cruise if he belives in aliens. Cruise responded that he did, and said something along the lines of "are you so arrogant that you beleive we're not alone in this universe?"

Arrogance? He arrogantly displays his contempt for the science examining mental health, but denounces arrogance in disbelieving in aliens? What the hell? Psychiatry is far from a perfect science, well beyond the physical sciences. But there is merit to it. Chemical imbalances, physical conditions leading to mental defects, etc. Despite the subjectivity of the science, to write it off is just plain stupid.

In short, I'm one of those people who staunchly believes Cruise is going through an attempted career stunt by bringing in Katie Holmes and acting like an idiot. He's soooo in love... who cares? Plenty of people love their girlfriends/ wives / possessions... whatever. Nobody jumps up and down on couches every time they think about the ones they love. He's embarrassing... the sad thing is that once upon a time, he used to be respectable.

He acted very well in Kubrick's final film, "Eyes Wide Shut." He plays Dr. Bill Harford, a Manhattanite doctor and member of high society who tries to cheat on his wife for retaliatory reasons. But he somehow fails. Analyzing his role in the film, Harford is a loser. Despite his success as a doctor, having a beautiful wife and daughter, a lovely apartment, he's a total loser. His wife openly admits that although she never cheated, there was an occurrence where she was willing to do so. He sneaks into a secret society "meeting," (meeting in quotes, those of you who say the movie know why), and is immediately spotted as an outsider and faker despite his being in complete disguise. In scenes involving him making love to his wife, he's very into her, but she's obviously not into him. He's a loser.

Leave it to Stanley Kubrick to perfectly cast his movies. He's always had a knack for perfect casting. Jack Nicholson in "The Shining," Malcolm McDowell in "A Clockwork Orange," Slim Pickens and Peter Sellers in "Dr. Strangelove," Ryan O'Neal in "Barry Lyndon," the list goes on. Kubrick spotted Cruise as a declining star well before most other people did. That's why Cruise acted so well in Kubrick's movie... he didn't have to search too hard to get into character.

Whatever happened to the days of "Top Gun"? He joins the Church of Scientology, a brilliant religion founded by a hallowed Science fiction writer. Maybe Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammed, and all of the other prophets were SciFi writers on the side? Ugh. The level of stupidity readily displayed in American society today is absolutly sickening.


  • Must concur on this post... out of curiosity I linked to you off of Asif's site (I'm friends with his sister)... and was wondering if you had tried out for moot court, and if so what that experience was like because i'm planning to try out.. Everyone tells me how important it is.

    By Blogger Aisha, at 8/04/2005 3:11 PM  

  • Amen. He's an utter douchebag and I cannot BELIEVE people are defending his idiocy.

    p.s. I mooch wifi, too. ;)

    By Blogger suitablegirl, at 8/06/2005 11:01 PM  

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