Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, September 18, 2005


One thing that every law student many times over the course of his or her law school career is to write a brief. One of the worst experiences of last year involved the appellate brief I had to write for my LWRAP course. It sucked. I stayed up for more than 48 hours straight working on it. It really wasn't fun. By the time I had to go hand it in (as I had just completed it an hour or so before), I was in a serious state of delirium. I handed it in and went over to Constitutional Law, where for some reason I thought I was at the dentist's office. After that I had about a two hour break before my property class, so I literally passed out in the student lounge. Luckily, by the time I had property, I regained some form of coherency.

So what am I doing now? You guessed it... a brief. This time for the moot court society. The topic is far more interesting than the crappy subject we had for LWRAP last year, but the process of brief writing is tedious nonetheless. I'm doign research, wishing I was outside enjoying the nice weather instead.

So last night I went out to Loca Luna with some friends. I hadn't been there in about a year. That place is pretty fun, with a decent amount of salsa dancing / merangue (whatever the difference is), and a pretty fun atmosphere. I really needed to go out this weekend.. otherwise I would've gone a bit crazy. Fun times.

And apparantly, my sister wants to get a pedophile.


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