Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Bring 'em on...

My cousin posted a comment on my last blog entry. To her, I quote the eloquent words of the current President of the United States of America... "Bring 'em on." Let the blog wars begin. If you're not with me, you're against me! Just kidding... I love her to death, but respectfully disagree with her on occasion.

So the last week or so has been interesting. Last week was my first full week at the office. It wasn't bad. The guy I'm working for is actually pretty decent. At first, I thought he was kind of sleazy... the type of lawyer they write the jokes about. But as I'm getting to know him, he's not that bad. He treats me very well. Gives me a good amount of substantive work to do. I'm learning a lot of stuff about the actual practice of law from him that I never learned paralegalling or in the first year of law school. All in all, I'm glad I took this opportunity. But ironically, every day I wake up not wanting to go to work. I need a break. Luckily I'm coming up to NY this weekend for memorial day.

I can't believe it's been a year since Al-Ummah. I was hanging around with AK last week when Hafeez was in town. We had an awsome time just catching up and hanging around. Those two guys are heading back this summer. I'm outright jealous. I really really want to go back. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Certain members of last year are going back this summer, as well as a few other folks I know. If I can't be there this summer, the least I can do is send a few care packages to the folks I know who will be spending sleepless nights in debrief sessions, helping the quiet kids open up, helping the loud kids tone down, and helping everyone develop a sense of identity. Nowadays in khane, I still talk to a bunch of the kids from last summer. It's great, the whole big brother feeling hasn't gone away.

Other than that, I'm still living half unsettled into my apartment. Still no furniture in the living room, so I have the tv on the floor and an inverted cardboard box that's substituting for a dining table at this moment. Last week I went to Walmart to buy some crap (it's walmart, all they sell is crap). So I spoiled myself with some new DVD's. I got the Back to the Future trilogy (guilty pleasure, good 80's fun), and "Young Sherlock Holmes." Young Sherlock is a movie I used to watch all the time growing up. It involves these evil Egyptian cult members going around 19th century England murdering people and making human sacrifices. Another guilty pleasure, and at a Walmart price.

I can't wait to go home this weekend.


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