Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Monday, November 07, 2005

Race to the finish

Mondays are strange days. I only have one class on Mondays, that's Islamic law from 8:30 until 10:00 am. So I usually have the rest of the day to work, or attempt to work. So after class, I went over to the Einstein Bagel at the Business School to have my usual bagel and coffee and get some reading done. Walking back to the law school afterwards, I ran into a classmate who mentioned that it's strange that we're already hitting "crunch time." "Crunch time." It's very cliche, but accurate. Where the hell did this semester go? It feels like only a few weeks ago the semester started. Thinking about it, finals aren't too far away. It's already November, and I'm starting to feel stressed.

I felt like I havn't done much work this semester. Yet, for some reason, I feel like I understand the material far better than I did in any class last year. So it's going to be interesting to see how I do at the end of this term. What's even more strange is that after this semester, law school will be half way over. That's a scarry thought. People this year have been more stressed, and everyone seems to be off doing their own thing. I'm no different.

This has been a very strange semester. People are different this year. I'm different this year. I've felt very anti-social in certain senses. I've hated going to the library and have found more comfort studying at home. I've actually been watching a decent amount of TV (unlike last year, where I completely stopped watching all together). So, all in all, my life is just as aimless and directionless as it was last year. Woo hoo!

One of the big problems is that the pre-registration guide for classes next semester has come out. All the classes offered next semester seem to suck and be uninteresting. For what it's worth, I actually enjoyed my classes this term. International Law has been amazing, Real Estate hasnt' been bad, and Islamic law was totally cool. The only class I was ambivalent towards was Evidence, but that also wasn't too harsh. Next semester will be far less interesting than what I had this term.

I can't wait to go home for thanksgiving. I need to get out of here.


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