Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Monday, June 20, 2005

TV Reunion

Over the course of this past year, I pretty much stopped watching TV. I pretty much didn't have the time to bother with tv shows because of the insane workload associated with the first year of law school. So gradually, I stopped watching. I came to the realization that most TV was utter crap anyway, and half the time I was watching, I was watching not because I was interested in what was playing, but rather just as a time waster device.

Since the summer started, I've been in a routine of working and wasting time at home. I usually enjoy reading, but right now, I have no good fiction books on my hands. And since the condo association provides free basic cable, I've been getting back into the horrible habit of watching tv again. But luckily, I've managed to minimize the 'crap' factor by limiting my tv watching to only a few key shows. Mainly "Law & Order," "Law & Order SVU," and "The Daily Show." And once in a while, I catch reruns of "Three's Company." I can't beleive Three's Company. Back 20 years ago while I was growing up in the 80's, I used to love this show. We used to watch it as a family and I remember finding it hilarious. But nowadays when I watch it, I realize that back in the 80's, I missed a good 80% of the jokes. I never realized how unbelieveably raunchy the show really was. But it's clever comedy, high quality programming. Compared to the crap that's spurned out today, Three's Company was gold.

Today, whenever a show tries to be rauncy, it depends entirely on the risque factor to attract attention and an audience. That's why reality tv has become so popular. Pushing the envelope for the sake of pushing the envelope. It's pathetic. There's no content, just extremity. Three's Company had great substantive comedy, it just so happened that it was 'adult' humor. It's unfortunate the extent to which American society has been dumbed down. That degradation is reflected in our popular culture.

It's no wonder that Hollywood today is trying to look to classic tv for its inspiration. There's no originality left in movies today. Most action movies are utter crap that are designed to please 14 year old boys. One of the few movies I saw this past year was "Elektra." Now that was utter utter crap. No plot, worse acting, and nothing more than Jennifer Garner walking around in a skimpy outfit. But to get the PG-13 rating, of course they don't make it too raunchy. Ugh... why does hollywood cater to the stupid 14 year old high school student? No wonder our society is going down the toilet.


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