Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Friday, June 17, 2005

Queen on the Green

So after work tonight, I was planning on going to play poker with some guys. Then I got an additional assignment at work, which requires several hours of homework. On my way home, I got another call from a friend going to Piedmont Park for the Screen on the Green series, played every Thursday at sundown in June. So instead of coming home and working, I went to Piedmont park to see Alfred Hichcock's The Birds.

For those of you not familiar with Atlanta, it's a pretty quirky city. There's a lot of stuff going on here. New York is quirky, but Atlanta has its quirks in a different way. This city, in the heart of the Bible Belt, deep in Republican country, is quite literally "an island of blue in a sea of red." The great state of Georgia, with all it's conservative measures, is also home to the largest gay population in the Southern United States. Midtown is the hub of Atlanta's gay culture. It's not quite the West Village in New York, but it's still pretty noticeable. So not surprisingly, there was a pretty large contingent of flamboyant personalities in the park tonight for the screening.

Quite honestly, the off color comments and jokes made by the crowd were far more entertaining than the movie itself. A large group of them had these stuffed birds that they brought with them, and at key moments would toss them into the air. Unfortunatly, I had to miss the end of the movie as I had to leave just as the climax was approaching. But it's pretty predictable what happened.

It's strange. Sometimes, I think about a random movie, and when I flip on the tv, it'll be on. A few days ago, I woke up, and for some oddball reason, I was thinking of a scene from the movie "Oscar." It's a pretty funny movie about a 1920's gangster, played by Sylvester Stallone, and his spoiled and rebellious daughter, played by Marissa Tomei. I really like this movie, it's clever, funny, and pretty innocent. Low and behold, I turn the tv on, and it's playing. Similarly, when I got home today, I was thinking about lousy chick flicks that I've been forced to suffer through. I mean some chick flicks aren't bad... they're girly, but they're not bad movies. "When Harry Met Sally" is the prime example... it has very clever dialogue and great acting. But by far, the absolute most painful, horrible, irritating movie I've ever had to sit through is "Dirty Dancing." Ugh... it was horible. I was thinking about that movie earlier when I got home, and low and behold, when I flipped to USA to catch what would most likely be an episode of Law and Order, only to catch, you guessed it, Dirty Dancing. Ugh. TV sucks.

It's 1 am and I have to start working on this brief. Fun fun.


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