Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Back to the routine

My apartment finally feels like an apartment. This morning, the furniture that I ordered last week was finally delivered. My place isn't all that big, but the furniture I bought was a set of three. To split it up and just buy the couch would have been a waste, so I bought the entire set of the couch, love seat, and single chair. Now my living room is perfect for having guests over.

I just got back from the Toronto deedar on Thursday night. (for Non-Ismailis, Deedar is a visit and public audience given by the Aga Khan, the spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslim community). It was a wonderful experience on many levels. For one thing, deedar for me is more or less the equivalent of the Mecca pilgrimage to other Muslims. Most people may wonder why such a comparison is warranted, but that's how I feel. There is a huge difference between a Pilgrimage to Mecca and merely a Muslim trip to Mecca. A pilgrimage is supposed to be an emotionally charged and highly personal journey. The mental and emotional substance is the important part, not the actual trip. That's how I feel about going to an event such as a Deedar. Luckily, this is the second time I've been able to go to one of these in my adult life. (the other times I was too young to appreciate it). Last time I went was in Dubai, back in December 2003. This one felt very different. It was much bigger, but nonetheless, still magnificent.

When growing up, I had the opportunity to go to a few deedars. I was too young to remember the one in 82, but I do have vague memories of the one in 86. I remember some of the aesthetics... especially the rose water (they have a tradition of having some people walk around before the event and spraying spritzes of the fragrance as a pleasant accessory). When I was in Dubai in 03, I smelled the rose water, and it really brought back some memories from 86 of being a 5 year old, but still enjoying the event. As a 5 year old, you don't realize what's going on or what is the significance, but you're still attuned to the fact that it's a pretty rare event and you're a part of it. This time the rose water was missing. But the event still felt just as wonderful.

The other wonderful aspect is that I got to spend time with my family. I got to Toronto fairly late at night. My parents and sister arrived a few hours later, in the early hours of the morning (of course waking me up). They only got about 2 hours of sleep that night before the morning event. That day, I also ran into two of my cousins, who are now 15 and 17, who I hadn't seen in many many years. I didn't recognize them at first, then it hit me. Same thing with my sister... at first glance, she just assumed they were some family friend's kids, then she did the double take and gave them the "Oh my God, you're grown up!" greeting and hugs. Luckily, I got to spend another day with them.

Tomorrow, Justin is having a get together at his place with Bagels and lox. He found some place here in Atl that has Bagels pretty close to NYC quality. So he's inviting his New Yorker and/or Jewish friends over to enjoy. Can't wait for that tomorrow. The only bagels I've had here at Einstein Bros. bagels, and quite honestly, they suck. The only worse bagels I've had are Bruggers bagels up in Boston.

I miss home.


  • Hey Zahir! Its Faris and Nadia(writing). It was really nice seeing you again too. Deedar was brilliant and fun because of family as well.. traveling from Houston to Toronto by car may seem like hell but actually turned out to be pretty fun because family meant company and something to catch up on for the 36 hour drive.. it was really awesome seeing you and sophia again!! =D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/12/2005 9:56 AM  

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