Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, June 05, 2005

A Year

When you're little, a year seems like a really long time. I remember how slow the time seemed to pass from year to year. Each day passed in a somewhat routine manner. Not much happened year to year. Each year you had another term of school, usually in the same place and building. Taking the same subjects over and over. Then college comes along, and time speeds up. Those four years of undergrad at NYU seemed to have gone by in such a hurry. Then came law school, and it's hard to believe that my first year is finished. It went by in a huge hurry. But the thing is, more happened in this past year than I can ever remembering happening in any other year of my life.

It hit me yesterday morning when I was dropping Adil off at the airport. Adil and I were roomates at Al Ummah last year. Yesterday morning, he left for Al Ummah again. I was so insanely jealous of him, and all the other folks who have the opportunity to be counselors again. That was quite honesetly one of the best experiences of my life. And he gets to relive it. So hopefully I can live vicariously through him and the others who are there again. I'm gonna send them care packages, with red bull, starbucks expresso shots, and some candy. If I can't be there, the least I can do is spoil the counselors a little.

On top of my dresser, I have two picture frames. Both hold pictures from AU last year. One is just the guy counselors, the other is both and guy and girl counselors. Hopefully I'll see a bunch of them in Toronto next week. I see myself in those pictures and think that it was an entire year ago. It's strange to see how much has happened since then, yet the memories are almost as fresh as if I returned from there yesterday.

So this weekend has been fairly lazy. Yesterday, Justin came over and we watched a bunch of episodes of Chappelle's Show season 2. I think that was the best season as of yet, with such memorable sketches as the "Rick James" sketch, Prince playing basketball, and a ton of others. Last night, I went to the highlands and had gelatto. There's this excellent place called Paolo's, with homemade gelato. Great stuff, but Paolo himself seemed a little quirky. He was featured on the food network. I hope season 3 isn't a disappointment. Tonight I'm probably hanging around with Colleen. Should be fun...


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