Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Saturday, May 22, 2004

A Mellow Saturday

I had to wake up at 9 a.m. on the dot becasue the exterminator was coming. The guy spent all of 2 minutes in my apartment putting some pesticide gel all over the place. He said there used to be some people who lived until recently down in the hall in 9K who had garbage piled waist high. He said it was literally the most disgusting situation he'd ever seen. I guess after they were booted the roaches spread out. Hopefully I'll never see one around here again.

I spent most of the day in Brooklyn Heights with a friend who just finished her first year at Brooklyn Law. She's always depressed about something. But it wasn't bad spending a few hours reading at Starbucks, outside absorbing the nice weather. Is it me or are all law students morbidly distraught?

So I spent a few hours reading Timeout New York, and they had a review about Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:
"Young Harry's third celluloid adventure is the best of the bunch. New director Alfonso Cuaron brings a more tangible sense of menace, tension and struggle, along with the expected visual wizardry. The cast is a who's who of British stalwarts, and yes, Hermione is growing up nicely."

The last line reminded me of one of my friends, let's call him Sag. He's wanted to hit up Emma Watson since the first Harry Potter flick. He's a sick f**k, but he's a funny sick f**k, so it's ok. But it's strange to see the kids of Harry Potter growing up. Emma Watson doesn't look like a little girl anymore, and many people are starting to make lewd comments. The girl just turned 14 last month, so the guys making lewd comments should realize they're still acting like pedophiles, regardless of how much she's grown.

So tonight I'm hanging around with a bunch of folks. Don't feel like doing anything too much. Maybe we'll just go play pool or something. We havn't done that as a group ever. Hopefully it'll be fun just mellowing out together tonight. I'm getting really bored of going out to bars or whatever. Hanging around together and being lazy is a highly under appreciated activity.


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